Home Blog The Complexity of EV Car Policies: A Challenge for Fleet Managers

The Complexity of EV Car Policies: A Challenge for Fleet Managers

The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) offers many benefits but also presents significant challenges, particularly when it comes to car policies. Traditional policies based on fuel consumption and mileage cannot simply be transferred to the EV landscape. Managing kWh consumption, accounting for the significant cost differences depending on the charging location, monitoring charging abroad, linking this data to mileage, and determining cost distribution between employers and employees require new and complex agreements.

Car Policies and EVs: The Missing Link

Many companies still lack car policies adapted to the specific requirements of electric vehicles. For instance, how do you track the cost per kilometer for an EV? Simply reporting kWh consumption is no longer sufficient. You need insight into the cost per kWh per charging session, which can vary greatly, along with mileage data to accurately measure consumption and reimburse employees in line with policy guidelines. Monitoring cost efficiency for the entire fleet also becomes essential.


Charging Abroad poses another challenge. Unlike traditional fuel cards, many charging cards, such as those from MobilityPlus, work automatically across Europe. This raises important questions: who pays for charging abroad? These costs are often automatically reimbursed by the employer, even though the car policy may dictate that such expenses should be the employee’s responsibility.

Administratieve belasting verminderen

Dit alles betekent dat fleet managers worden overspoeld met extra administratie. Van het uitzoeken van kWh-verbruik tot het beheren van buitenlandse laadsessies, de papieren rompslomp neemt toe.

Reducing Administrative Burden

This complexity overwhelms fleet managers with additional administrative work: analyzing kWh consumption across public, home, and workplace charging, retrieving mileage data, and monitoring international charging sessions all add to the paperwork.


The MobilityPlus Solution: One Portal to Support Car Policies

At MobilityPlus, we understand these challenges. Our MobilityPlus eXperience provides an All-in-One portal specifically designed to simplify this complexity. With just a few clicks, fleet managers gain insights into energy consumption and cost per kilometer, both domestically and internationally, ensuring easy administration.

In addition, we assist in creating an EV car policy tailored to your business needs. This not only reduces the workload but also ensures transparency and control over the entire process.


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